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Génération Alpha

Alpha Generation consists of three innovative MetaTrader indicators: market psychology to identify new trade opportunities and potential entry/exit points.
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Génération Alpha

Alpha Generation consists of three innovative MetaTrader indicators: market psychology to identify new trade opportunities and potential entry/exit points.
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Génération Alpha

Alpha Generation consists of three innovative MetaTrader indicators: market psychology to identify new trade opportunities and potential entry/exit points.
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Génération Alpha

Alpha Generation consists of three innovative MetaTrader indicators: market psychology to identify new trade opportunities and potential entry/exit points.
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Génération Alpha

Alpha Generation consists of three innovative MetaTrader indicators: market psychology to identify new trade opportunities and potential entry/exit points.

Points de vue techniques

Our Technical Views indicator is your go-to source for direction and key levels.

Key levels to craft your trade

Leave the analysis to the experts, and use the output of our analysis to craft your trades. Get an instant viewpoint on our preferred direction along with target levels. Discover our alternative scenario based on a pivot level where we would change our view and offer target levels in the opposite direction.

Chandeliers adaptatifs

Our favourite patterns

This indicator scans for sixteen of our favourite time-trusted candlestick patterns, instantly on any chart!

Chandeliers adaptatifs avec TC Alpha Generation

Expert filtering for what's important

We combine candlesticks with our unique quantitative and technical analysis expertise to focus only on those patterns that are relevant for decision making.

Filtrage avec TC Alpha Generation

Convergence adaptative de la divergence (ADC)

If you like MACD, you'll love ADC for your short-term trading! It is useful at shorter lengths and offers more timely signals, while also guarding against sideways movements by adapting and lengthening during such periods. undefined

Long & Short entry/exit signals

The labels are designed to help you spot trading opportunities. Signals are based on the status of all ADC components including price lines, indicators and oscillators. While these components all derive from the same adaptive "window" of market data, they do have some independence from each other so we can make decisions based on weight of evidence.

Signaux d'entrée et de sortie avec TC Alpha Generation

Slow & Fast price indicators

We use a front-weighted moving average for the slow indicator. The fast indicator emulates variable length weighted moving average—shorter in trends, longer in sideways markets. These can be used as other moving averages to offer slow signals by confirming the trend: look for lines sloping up and fast line above slow line; or price crossing above these lines. These indicators are the basis for other ADC components.

Indicateurs de prix avec TC Alpha Generation

Raw & Smooth signal lines

For fast signals, look for upward sloping lines and ADC raw above ADC smooth as your buying signal. For slow signals, look for both ADC raw and smooth to be above 0. Like the MACD, the raw signal line plots the difference between slow and fast indicators (divided by slow) and this is smoothed with exponential averaging, but in this case we find the smoothing length automatically, typically around 4 unlike MACD's 9.

Lignes de signaux avec la génération TC Alpha

Oscillators Slow & Fast

ADC has two compatible oscillators. For fast signals, look for the fast oscillator to be sloping up and above zero. For slow signals, look for the fast oscillator to be above the slow; or look for the slow oscillator to be sloping up, below the fast oscillator, and above the adaptive filter.

Oscillateurs avec génération TC Alpha

Download & Install

Download the plugin and go through the easy installation process to get up and running immediately. This plugin is available to customers of licensed trading and brokerage firms. Please contact us if you need help.

Is this your first time? If not, go to step 2

Téléchargez le fichier du plugin et double-cliquez sur le fichier pour l'exécuter. Un assistant simple vous guide tout au long du processus dans la langue de votre choix.

Télécharger le plugin

Upgrading from our previous plugin?

Have you already installed previous versions of MetaTrader plugins from Trading Central? You may require Admin rights using the new wizard to uninstall previous versions. Please contact us if you need help.

Comment mettre à jour le plugin

Installez le programme et trouvez nos indicateurs

Localisez les indicateurs de Trading Central avec les autres dans votre liste d'indicateurs MetaTrader.

Trouver les indicateurs avec Trading Central


Il suffit de faire glisser un indicateur sur le graphique pour obtenir immédiatement des informations exploitables ! Commencez avec notre indicateur original Analyst Views.

Indicateurs par glisser-déposer

Accéder aux indicateurs

Installez le programme et trouvez nos indicateurs

Localisez les indicateurs de Trading Central avec les autres dans votre liste d'indicateurs MetaTrader.

Accéder aux indicateurs avec Trading Central


Il suffit de faire glisser un indicateur sur le graphique pour obtenir immédiatement des informations exploitables ! Commencez avec notre indicateur original Analyst Views.

Drag and drop indicators

Accessing the Expert Adviser Panel


Simply drag the "Trading Central" tools onto the chart to prompt the Expert Adviser panel where you will be able to access available research tools through the top tab.

Points de vue techniques

Our Technical Views indicator is your go-to source for direction and key levels.

Key levels to craft your trade

Leave the analysis to the experts, and use the output of our analysis to craft your trades. Get an instant viewpoint on our preferred direction along with target levels. Discover our alternative scenario based on a pivot level where we would change our view and offer target levels in the opposite direction.

Chandeliers adaptatifs

Our favourite patterns

This indicator scans for sixteen of our favourite time-trusted candlestick patterns, instantly on any chart!

Chandeliers adaptatifs avec TC Alpha Generation

Expert filtering for what's important

We combine candlesticks with our unique quantitative and technical analysis expertise to focus only on those patterns that are relevant for decision making.

Filtrage avec TC Alpha Generation

Convergence adaptative de la divergence (ADC)

If you like MACD, you'll love ADC for your short-term trading! It is useful at shorter lengths and offers more timely signals, while also guarding against sideways movements by adapting and lengthening during such periods. undefined

Long & Short entry/exit signals

The labels are designed to help you spot trading opportunities. Signals are based on the status of all ADC components including price lines, indicators and oscillators. While these components all derive from the same adaptive "window" of market data, they do have some independence from each other so we can make decisions based on weight of evidence.

Signaux d'entrée et de sortie avec TC Alpha Generation

Slow & Fast price indicators

We use a front-weighted moving average for the slow indicator. The fast indicator emulates variable length weighted moving average—shorter in trends, longer in sideways markets. These can be used as other moving averages to offer slow signals by confirming the trend: look for lines sloping up and fast line above slow line; or price crossing above these lines. These indicators are the basis for other ADC components.

Indicateurs de prix avec TC Alpha Generation

Raw & Smooth signal lines

For fast signals, look for upward sloping lines and ADC raw above ADC smooth as your buying signal. For slow signals, look for both ADC raw and smooth to be above 0. Like the MACD, the raw signal line plots the difference between slow and fast indicators (divided by slow) and this is smoothed with exponential averaging, but in this case we find the smoothing length automatically, typically around 4 unlike MACD's 9.

Lignes de signaux avec la génération TC Alpha

Oscillators Slow & Fast

ADC has two compatible oscillators. For fast signals, look for the fast oscillator to be sloping up and above zero. For slow signals, look for the fast oscillator to be above the slow; or look for the slow oscillator to be sloping up, below the fast oscillator, and above the adaptive filter.

Oscillateurs avec génération TC Alpha

Download & Install

Download the plugin and go through the easy installation process to get up and running immediately. This plugin is available to customers of licensed trading and brokerage firms. Please contact us if you need help.

Is this your first time? If not, go to step 2

Téléchargez le fichier du plugin et double-cliquez sur le fichier pour l'exécuter. Un assistant simple vous guide tout au long du processus dans la langue de votre choix.

Télécharger le plugin

Upgrading from our previous plugin?

Have you already installed previous versions of MetaTrader plugins from Trading Central? You may require Admin rights using the new wizard to uninstall previous versions. Please contact us if you need help.

Comment mettre à jour le plugin

Installez le programme et trouvez nos indicateurs

Localisez les indicateurs de Trading Central avec les autres dans votre liste d'indicateurs MetaTrader.

Trouver les indicateurs avec Trading Central


Il suffit de faire glisser un indicateur sur le graphique pour obtenir immédiatement des informations exploitables ! Commencez avec notre indicateur original Analyst Views.

Indicateurs par glisser-déposer

Accéder aux indicateurs

Installez le programme et trouvez nos indicateurs

Localisez les indicateurs de Trading Central avec les autres dans votre liste d'indicateurs MetaTrader.

Accéder aux indicateurs avec Trading Central


Il suffit de faire glisser un indicateur sur le graphique pour obtenir immédiatement des informations exploitables ! Commencez avec notre indicateur original Analyst Views.

Drag and drop indicators

Accessing the Expert Adviser Panel


Simply drag the "Trading Central" tools onto the chart to prompt the Expert Adviser panel where you will be able to access available research tools through the top tab.

Chez Trading Central, nous sommes fiers de soutenir des investisseurs comme vous grâce à l'innovation depuis 1999.

Notre portefeuille primé d'analyses perspicaces permet aux investisseurs d'aujourd'hui de trouver et de valider de nouvelles opportunités, de surveiller les marchés, de s'informer sur la finance et de gérer leurs risques.

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