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Comprendre l'analyse des sentiments

Crowd Insight

Use sentiment analytics to evaluate trade opportunities and identify market mood-swings
Comprendre l'analyse des sentiments

Crowd Insight

Use sentiment analytics to evaluate trade opportunities and identify market mood-swings
Comprendre l'analyse des sentiments

Crowd Insight

Use sentiment analytics to evaluate trade opportunities and identify market mood-swings
Comprendre l'analyse des sentiments

Crowd Insight

Use sentiment analytics to evaluate trade opportunities and identify market mood-swings
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Comprendre l'analyse des sentiments

Crowd Insight

Use sentiment analytics to evaluate trade opportunities and identify market mood-swings

Powerful A.I. sentiment analytics

Does the public feel positively or negatively about Apple’s new product release?

Is the optimistic coverage of Tesla stock rational or based on subjective emotion?

Crowd Insight scans thousands of web-harvested, credible news, blogs and social media sources every day to determine how the general public feels about a particular topic. This helps you apply leading alpha generation, risk mitigation and precision timing tools to better support your investment strategies.

Lets get started...

On the landing page, you have a view of all the financial instruments being discussed online.

The bubble size indicates how much chatter or buzz there is about the instrument. The bigger the bubble, the more online chatter there is.

The colour of the bubble indicates a positive or negative sentiment towards this financial instrument.

Hover over any instrument bubble for a more detailed view and click to be taken to the research page.

On the research page, you'll see actionable analytics to support confident investment decisions.

Signal de sentiment

An indicator which allows you to make buy/sell decisions based on market mood swings. It is derived from the Sentiment Score.

Score de sentiment

Indicates how the crowd feels about a financial instrument, ranging from “very negative” (1) to “very positive” (100).

Subjectivity Score

Indicates how rational or irrational the crowd's opinion of an entity is. Its score ranges from 0 (very rational) to 100 (very irrational).

This is helpful in identifying bubble markets!

Indice de confiance

The confidence index is the volume of news evidence backing the sentiment score, indicating how much trust can be placed in it. It is broken down into three levels of low, average, high.

Sentiment History

Shows the variation of the daily sentiment score for the past 90 trading days.

Peer Comparison

Compare how an instrument ranks amongst industry peers based on these analytics: Sentiment Signal, Sentiment Score, Subjectivity, and Confidence.

Powerful A.I. sentiment analytics

Does the public feel positively or negatively about Apple’s new product release?

Is the optimistic coverage of Tesla stock rational or based on subjective emotion?

Crowd Insight scans thousands of web-harvested, credible news, blogs and social media sources every day to determine how the general public feels about a particular topic. This helps you apply leading alpha generation, risk mitigation and precision timing tools to better support your investment strategies.

Lets get started...

On the landing page, you have a view of all the financial instruments being discussed online.

The bubble size indicates how much chatter or buzz there is about the instrument. The bigger the bubble, the more online chatter there is.

The colour of the bubble indicates a positive or negative sentiment towards this financial instrument.

Hover over any instrument bubble for a more detailed view and click to be taken to the research page.

On the research page, you'll see actionable analytics to support confident investment decisions.

Signal de sentiment

An indicator which allows you to make buy/sell decisions based on market mood swings. It is derived from the Sentiment Score.

Score de sentiment

Indicates how the crowd feels about a financial instrument, ranging from “very negative” (1) to “very positive” (100).

Subjectivity Score

Indicates how rational or irrational the crowd's opinion of an entity is. Its score ranges from 0 (very rational) to 100 (very irrational).

This is helpful in identifying bubble markets!

Indice de confiance

The confidence index is the volume of news evidence backing the sentiment score, indicating how much trust can be placed in it. It is broken down into three levels of low, average, high.

Sentiment History

Shows the variation of the daily sentiment score for the past 90 trading days.

Peer Comparison

Compare how an instrument ranks amongst industry peers based on these analytics: Sentiment Signal, Sentiment Score, Subjectivity, and Confidence.

Chez Trading Central, nous sommes fiers de soutenir des investisseurs comme vous grâce à l'innovation depuis 1999.

Notre portefeuille primé d'analyses perspicaces permet aux investisseurs d'aujourd'hui de trouver et de valider de nouvelles opportunités, de surveiller les marchés, de s'informer sur la finance et de gérer leurs risques.

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